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What Foster Kids Need

What to Send:       


  • New shoes & socks

  • Diapers, powdered formula, blankets, new baby toys and stuffed animals (for infant packs)

  • New toys and books for all ages

  • New clothes all ages

  • Personal hygiene products - teens especially love these

  • Baseball caps (for teen boys)

  • Barettes and accessories for t'weens and teens

  • New pajamas - all sizes


What Not to Send:

  • Anything used - we want to show foster kids that they deserve fresh, new items

  • Toys that represent violence (i.e. toy guns)



Your Support... Means Everything


For many foster children, life is filled with continual change and uncertainty. Most have come from abusive and broken homes. Some of these children are so young, the idea of suddenly being shuffled to a stranger's home is scarier than the brutal reality they may be facing at home. We want to soften this blow. We want to let them know people care. These children may have come from difficult beginnings, but we want every foster child to know that there are people out there rooting for them. Many of them feel rejected and thrown away. We want to  empower them with pride and the gift of brand new belongings. 

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