Send ALL Donations to:
The Give Back Pack
31891 Via Faisan
Coto de Caza, CA 92679
Tel: 949-303-6444
Email us at givebackpacknow@gmail.com
We are friends (and neighbors!) who started The Give Back Pack after learning more about the foster care system.
We are lucky enough to be able to raise our own children in loving homes and it breaks our hearts knowing that there are kids out there who don't receive the love and support every child deserves.
We are beginning by helping the foster children in Orange County, California, but hope to one day grow the foundation to help more foster children across North America, as well as the children of our military personnel.
Holly Ratzlaff
Laura Gosselin
If you live locally in Orange County, CA, donations can be dropped off or picked up by contacting us directly. Thanks for your support.
The Give Back Pack is an IRS approved, tax exempt 501 (c) (3) public charity. Your donations are tax deductible.